Category Archives: General Topics

Avoid Air Conditioner Repair with Energy Efficient Practices

Keeping your central air conditioning system as energy-efficient as possible may sound easier said than done. But it truly is something you can do in just a few easy steps. At Ethical Air, we want you to get the most out of your system and to avoid air conditioner repair when possible. We can help keep your system running in top condition and ensure that it is as energy-efficient as it should be!

Tune-ups. This helps promote optimum efficiency. Have a professional inspect the unit regularly. Potential problems can be identified and remedied before they can become something more serious.

We can’t stress this next step enough – changing the air filter. The filter is cleaning up old air before sending it back out. Therefore, the filter gets clogged with built-up allergens and dust. The clog will strain your system, lessening its efficiency.

Clean the air ducts and ductwork. The return air ducts and duct covers will become dirty with dust or lint as time goes on. Make sure there is adequate airflow reaching the unit. As for the ductwork, it is important to keep it clean and free of pests or rodents as well as other debris.

To avoid costly air conditioner repair and receive maximum comfort from your AC system, it’s best to take these precautions. You can improve the system’s efficiency by starting with changing the filter or with a tune-up. To get started on the road to energy-efficiency, contact Ethical Air today!

Finding Comfort in Florida Air Conditioning

If you’re like most people, air conditioning is your best friend as the temperatures rise. Florida air conditioning especially comes in handy during the summer months. But have you ever started to feel a sore throat coming on once you’ve been exposed to the cool air indoors for too long? There are a few reasons for this discomfort. Dry air, dirty air and allergies tend to be attributed to the air conditioning. But there is more to it. Improper installation, such as faulty technical work results in poor air conditioning and may bring about certain health risks.

Furthermore, leaks and punctures in a central air system, duct work and air filter give rise to the free flowing movement of dirt, dust and other irritants. As the debris builds over time, the system’s efficiency is diminished, which also degrades the air quality.

When the AC system does not receive regular maintenance, the air supply within the home is left to recycle again and again with the Florida air conditioning cycle. When your system is properly taken care of, healthy air levels are more prevalent and the air quality is elevated.

It’s also important to make sure that airflow is able to go in and out of the home. If vents are closed, this prohibits the airflow; trapping it inside and allowing for it grow stagnant.

Be sure to take the necessary steps to a healthier, cleaner air supply in your home. Ethical Air can help you get your system cleaned and up to date to ensure optimal comfort for you and your family!

Saving Energy at Home While You’re Away

Are you and your family planning a vacation getaway this summer? Between traveling expenses and the cost of staying at a hotel or resort, it would be nice to save money in where you can in other aspects. To ensure that the vacation expenses do not exceed your expectations, it’s best to consider prepping your home for the time you will be away. Ethical Air wants you to have an enjoyable time away from home and not come back to a hefty electric bill! Consider the following energy-saving tips:


First and foremost, you will want to unplug appliances around the house. These can be both indoor and outdoor appliances. Anything that is plugged into a power source is using energy, whether the appliance is turned on or off. Be sure to unplug all electronics, lamps, and even large appliances that can be unplugged without harming you or your possessions. Depending on the length of your vacation, you might consider emptying your refrigerator and unplugging the unit while you are away.

Another way to save money and energy while you are away from home is to adjust your thermostat. Setting your thermostat to only come on when the temperatures rise to a particular point will conserve energy but also maintain coolness about the home with Florida air conditioning. Many thermostats feature an “away” or “vacation” mode that can be set.

The more that these appliances and Florida air conditioning cooling units are running, the more energy they will use; so why not scale it back when you are not home? To learn more about energy-saving tips and thermostat settings of your home’s cooling system, contact Ethical Air. We can help you stay within your budget this summer!

Preventing Serious Repairs with Air Conditioner Maintenance Plans

It’s no secret that you want to make it through the summer months with a flawless air conditioning system. Sometimes, however, that wish just does not come true. When temperatures are climbing, you want to know you can depend on your AC system. Did you know there are affordable precautions you can take to make sure your system remains running smoothly?

The first precaution is routine maintenance. With an air conditioner maintenance plan from Ethical Air, you can be assured that your system will be checked regularly and any problems may be identified and remedied before they become a serious emergency. Our skilled technicians know exactly what to look for during routine maintenance visits.

The next way to prevent a serious malfunction is to change the air filter. A common AC problem is a clogged air filter. The purpose of this filter is to protect from dirt or other debris. Clogs will restrict airflow and eventually result in a need for repair.


With a priority service air conditioner maintenance plan from Ethical Air, you can rest assure that our technicians will inspect the system thoroughly. We stand behind our tune-ups and inspections; these plans are designed to save you the time and money that would be spent on the more in-depth repairs should any serious clogs or breakdowns occur.  Find out more details on how you can enroll with our maintenance plans today!

The Guide to Caring for Your Air Conditioner

Like all home systems, air conditioners need to be properly maintained and occasionally repaired to function at top capacity. In sunny Tampa, where temperatures are mild all year long, it’s especially wise to give your cooling system the attention it deserves. Without it, you can end up with a less efficient unit, higher energy bills and even dangerous indoor air quality.

While there are things you can do on your own to keep your unit in check – changing filters on a regular basis and cleaning coils are effective do-it-yourself maintenance solutions – it’s also important to recognize when your system should be checked by a Tampa air conditioning technician. In most cases, professionally repairing problems in their early stages is a far more cost-effective option than waiting until your system starts to show more serious signs of wear and tear.

Spotting minor issues before they become full-blown repairs can be tricky, so how do you know when it’s time to call a professional Tampa air conditioning company? Unexpected cooling expenses, strange sounds and lack of cold air are some of the most common red flags that a call to an expert technician is in order.

Another alternative to avoiding major repairs is to invest in a long-term maintenance plan. With services that can cover regular inspections, replacement parts and preventative care, annual maintenance plans are ideal for homeowners who want to take the guesswork out of keeping their cooling systems in top shape throughout the year.

Keep Your HVAC in Check

In order to get the most out of your HVAC system in the Tampa area, there are a few simple steps to follow. It’s good to think about the future, but it is also important to consider your current HVAC settings.

What to Do Now

  • Purchase a high-efficiency, pleated air filter
  • Keep your AC unit free of grass, leaves, and pollen
  • Clear at least 2 feet of space around outdoor AC units

Seasonal Practices

  • Have refrigerant lines inspected each month or at the beginning of a new season
  • Replace the air filter every 90 days

Annual AC Activities

  • Ensure the AC unit is on firm, level ground
  • Clear AC condensate drain with a bleach and water mixture

With HVAC Tampa services from Ethical Air and Plumbing, your AC unit will be in good hands. Let us take care of your air conditioner’s needs, so that the AC unit can accommodate yours! You don’t want to be without the comfort of clean, cool air when temperatures are peaking outside. With various stages of care throughout its lifetime, your HVAC system will run properly and in the condition that it was meant to run time after time.

When you follow the steps listed above, you will be surprised at the way in which you save energy and money! Call us today to help show you the difference with our highly skilled technicians on the job!

Decoding Your Air Conditioner’s Symptoms

In Florida, air conditioning is a fact of life, so when your unit isn’t working the way it should be, it’s time to pay attention. Whether you’re seeing noticeable performance problems or are worried about a fall in efficiency, addressing maintenance issues as soon as they come up is the best way to avoid costly repairs down the road.

Without a trained eye, the tough part is getting to the root of the problem. Understanding some of the more common reasons why good air conditioners go bad can help you decide whether your system just needs a thorough cleaning or the attention of an experienced Brandon air conditioning technician.

If your system fails to turn on, the thermometer may need to be professionally calibrated. On the other hand, a new portable unit that stays on for too long or goes through frequent cycles may need to be exchanged for a bigger, more powerful replacement.

Units that suddenly start blowing hot air instead of cool may have dirty filters. While exact recommendations vary depending on the type of unit you have and how often you use it, filters should generally be changed or cleaned every one or two months during peak season.

If your air conditioner is still running hot, insufficient refrigerant may be the culprit. In that case, calling a professional Brandon air conditioning company should be your next step.

Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old or doesn’t cool effectively, it may be time to replace it. Efficient air conditioning is a must for indoor comfort in the humid, hot climate of Tampa, Florida. Advancements in technology in the last 10 years offer improved energy efficiency, better humidity control and more even cooling.

Ductless Mini-Split Units

If you live in a home that does not have central air conditioning, or if installing ductwork is not possible, ductless mini-split units solve the problem. Ductless mini-splits can be used with a ducted system for rooms that do not cool properly or for add-ons that are difficult to connect to a ducted system.

Installation is easy but should be done by experienced Florida air conditioning contractors. An outdoor compressor is connected to indoor blowers by a conduit carrying wiring and refrigerant routed through a wall. Some models support up to eight blowers on one compressor. The temperature of each room can be individually controlled and the blower switched off when you leave the room.

Advanced Compressor Technology

Dual-stage compressors heat and cool evenly, but use less energy. Standard air conditioners deliver a blast of cold air when on. After reaching the desired temperature, the compressor cycles off. When the temperature rises, the compressor comes on again. Dual-stage compressors operate at high speed only when extra cooling is needed. Most of the time they operate at lower speeds, maintaining a consistent temperature and better humidity control with less energy consumption.