Preventing Serious Repairs with Air Conditioner Maintenance Plans

It’s no secret that you want to make it through the summer months with a flawless air conditioning system. Sometimes, however, that wish just does not come true. When temperatures are climbing, you want to know you can depend on your AC system. Did you know there are affordable precautions you can take to make sure your system remains running smoothly?

The first precaution is routine maintenance. With an air conditioner maintenance plan from Ethical Air, you can be assured that your system will be checked regularly and any problems may be identified and remedied before they become a serious emergency. Our skilled technicians know exactly what to look for during routine maintenance visits.

The next way to prevent a serious malfunction is to change the air filter. A common AC problem is a clogged air filter. The purpose of this filter is to protect from dirt or other debris. Clogs will restrict airflow and eventually result in a need for repair.


With a priority service air conditioner maintenance plan from Ethical Air, you can rest assure that our technicians will inspect the system thoroughly. We stand behind our tune-ups and inspections; these plans are designed to save you the time and money that would be spent on the more in-depth repairs should any serious clogs or breakdowns occur.  Find out more details on how you can enroll with our maintenance plans today!